Sunday, November 8, 2009


Cell biology is the branch of science which deals with the study of cell. In another term, it is also know as Cytology.
Cell is the structural and functional unit of life. It is because the body of all the living organisms are made up of the cells and all the activities are carried out by living organisms are made up of cells.The group of cells forms tissues,groups of tissues forms organ and group of organ forms body. In unicellular organisms, the single cell performs all the activities of cell in the living organisms. In multicellular organisms, there is the division of labour among different cells(i.e, the particular cell performs the particular functions).

The study of cell was started only after the discovery of compound microscope by Janssen in 1590. The term cell was given by Robert Hook in 1665. When he examined a thin slice of bottle cork under the compound microscope, he observed the small chambers or compartments (honey comb like structure). He was unable to go dep on cell because the materials he took were dead and he could observed only the cell wall. Later, another scientists experimentedon living materials and they were found as all the living orgamisms are made up of cells. After many years , other scientists too discovered many cell organells like cell wall(in plant cells), cell membranes, vacuoles, nucleus, lysosomes, plastids(in plant cells), mitochondria, protoplasms, golgi bodies, endoplasic reticulum, plasmodesmata, etc.

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